Thursday, December 17, 2009

Science Projects

With dieting, we are continually our own science project. I know there are a ton of lurkers so what are the things that we need for a Science Project? Let's see who was awake in Science classes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The wagon

I fell off the wagon again! Not because I'm eating shit, but because I'm missing meals! I have had two meals today and zero snacks. No excuses, just tomorrow's another day. I really do think that missing meals is as bad, if not worse than eating crap. Anyways, tomorrow's another day.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nailed it!

Ha! Fatty made weight. A bunch of us had the Weightlifting Meet at Windy City. It was a great time! Ask everyone. Next time we'll have to bring a shit load of people. Now fatty has to lose the 7lbs of McDonald's weight. Scoot over and make some room for me to jump back on the Paleo wagon.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Last day

Sorry been slacking. This is the last day of my heart-attack diet. This will be my last post of what not to do. Back on the wagon tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great feedback

I loved the suggestions you all gave for the hoilday parties. You guys are pros! Now what you got for getting in Meat and nuts for breakfast and another dose of meat and nuts for lunch?

Monday, December 7, 2009


"Anybody got any good holiday party survival strategies short of standing around with a glass of water and my tupperware of mixed nuts?"

So today's question. How do I survive holiday parties without looking like a crazy person? What you guys/gals got?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stock up day

I think I'm going to start just posting one day for the weekend. So, consider this the Saturday/Sunday post. Today is the day to stock up your fridge and get a ton of groceries in for the week. Make it happen before you get your cheat meal in!

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Anti-paleo

My goal for the next 7 days has changed a bit so I'm going to be on the anti-paleo for a bit. I'm going to keep posting so everyone can see exactly what not to do. I'm going to destroy my body for a week and try to gain 7lbs in 7days. This is gonna get frightful!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I know I have been slacking on the posting but wasn't that WGN shit pretty cool! Stay tuned for next week (hopefully) we'll be in the Red Eye. Anyways...back to the nutrition side of things.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

AH HA!!!

I have just learned today that there are many more lurkers than posters on this site! This page is really here for us that struggle (me especially) find ways to work around the difficult parts of sticking to your diet plan. You don't have to post your daily meals if you don't want to (but it will really help you out). Post what you need help with. Do you have a problem getting some kind of meat in for breakfast??? Post it and some other lurker will throw out a solution that has helped them. Do you prefer eggs over meat? It's not the best but it's better than not eating a protein! You can't stand nut's in the morning? How about subbing for a good fat (avocado, sun butter...) This is here to help. Use it!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Really starting

There's never a good time to start dieting. It's never convenient. It's never easy. We're always too busy. So I'm guilty and I'm ready to have a better day today!

Starting all over

Alright, The Thanksgiving Holiday is over and we have a good 20 day stretch before the next stretch of holidays. Let's give it our all and see how it goes. Feel free to post more than once as I'm going to have to do because I can't remember what I ate. Day #1 again.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day #15

Did anyone out there make strict Paleo or Zone for 15 straight days?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day #14

Post Thanksgiving. Is anyone who started "15 days of paleo" going to make it? I didn't. We'll start again after these 15 days are up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day #12

Cheat day? How much will you cheat? I plan on cheating...a lot.

Day #11

Is anyone surviving out there?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day #10

Last day to eat well before you cheat...or not for Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day #9

Woof! Sometimes we fall off track but what matters the most is how fast you can jump back on.

Day #8

Sorry travel backed me up a bit.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day #7

Take a day off from hearing me bitch about your diet. I'll have a good one up tomorrow. Enjoy!

Day #6

Thanks for stepping up to the challenge and publicly posting your diet logs and goals. Stay the path and eventually we'll get there.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day #5

Let's be warriors!

Just read/listened to The E-myth by Gerber for the 4th or 5th time. Listen to this great quote:
by Don Juan in Carlos Castanda's A Separate Peace: "The difference between a warrior and an ordinary man is that a warrior sees everything as a challenge, while an ordinary man sees everything as either a blessing or a curse."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day #4


There are always going to be situations that test you and your dieting ability. Travel, busy day at work, stress... What kind of things do you do when you have failed to prep? Do you have a back up plan? A paleo/Zone snack? Or do we just use it as an excuse and hit a fast food joint and say I "was starving and had no other options"?

Day #3

A whole lotta...
Action. Everyone has talked a whole lot about getting better, being stronger, getting healthier, getting better at their diet. What actions have you taken to get towards that goal. Are you all talk? Maybe your goal just doesn't mean that much to you? Really think about it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day #2

The crew diligently reading up on "Dirty Grains" at Bryce's Nutrition Seminar.

Let's help each other out. Anytime you find great deals on produce, meats, or just great places to go eat, post it!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day #1

What is your goal?
We need a destination (or goal). If you have no end point, you have no route on how to get there. Your just wandering. Yes, you can still be headed in the right general direction, but if you know exactly where your going, you can get there faster.

Know where you are starting from.
Depending on what you goal is, benchmark something. A workout time, weigh yourself, take a picture, do all-of-the-above... You have no idea how far you have come if you have no clue where you started at.

What is your goal/destination? And what is your starting point/benchmark?

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Welcome to the nutrition blog. This page will be used for those who decide to accept the challenge to change their dietary ways for the next 15 days. We will answer question/concerns in the comments and also post information for your support.

Please let us know in the comments if you are up for the challenge!

You are welcome to start early but tomorrow mark DAY 1.