Monday, November 23, 2009

Day #8

Sorry travel backed me up a bit.


  1. Today Monday I did not get out of bed till 2pm
    still feeling out of it.
    So far all I have been able to get down is 1 apple-6oz pork tenderloin. It is now 8pm
    Managed to get down 4 oz Chicken

  2. Monday, 11/23/09

    Fell off big time Fri/Sat/Sun, but started back up again Monday--the Turkey Day weekend doesn't bode well but am going for at least Mon/Tues/Wed.

    Pre-workout, 5:45 am: 1 sc whey, 1 applesauce
    Post-workout, 7:00 am: 1 sc whey + milk
    Snack, 11:00 am: 3 whole eggs, turkey slices, 1 chicken sausage, 1 cup coffee
    Lunch, 2:30 pm: steak, veggie mix (sprouts, peppers, onions)
    Pre-WOD, 5:00 pm: Clif Builder Protein Bar, 1 cup coffee
    Post-WOD, 7:00 pm: 1 sc whey, 5 g creatine + water
    Dinner, 8:00 pm: salmon, slaw salad
    Pre-bed, 9:00 pm: chili
